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Russian River Water Update 1/2/24

Gibson Creek in Ukiah, December 2023 by E Salomone
Gibson Creek  in Ukiah, a tributary to the mainstem Russian River, December 2023 by E Salomone

Reservoir Storage & Operations:

Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (more info here).

May contain: page, text, chart, and plot
Lake Mendocino storage graph


 More reservoir storage information:


Russian River Water Forum Update

MendoFever: Navigating the Waters: Updates on the Russian River Water Forum and the Future of the Potter Valley Project, 12/27/23

"[Pam] Jeane [of Sonoma Water] concluded the meeting by announcing that funding for the Russian River Water Forum was running out, and Sonoma Water did not receive grant funding to continue. Working Groups will no longer meet. There will be one or two more Planning Group meetings to discuss PG&E’s expected revised draft, to be scheduled sometime next spring. The RRWF made progress in bringing all parties together and identifying common ground. Jeane expects that the RRWF website will stay up after the group disbands so that the information gathered to date will be available. RRWF Planning Group meeting videos and presentations are available on the RR Water Forum website."


CA Water Education Foundation Highlighting the Eel River

The Eel River was chosen as this week’s highlight, with all the recent attention on the Potter Valley Project decommissioning process. Find out more about the Eel on the CA Water Education Foundation's website - Eel River page.


Ukiah Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency Update 

Public Workshop on  Rate & Fee Study, Thursday, January 11, 2024 

The Agency is holding two public workshops this year related to the GSA's Fee Study. The first workshop is on Thursday January 11, 2024 at the Behavioral Health Regional Training Center (8207 East Rd., Redwood Valley, CA 95470) starting at 6 pm. The next Board meeting is the same day from 1:30 - 4:30 pm at the County Board of Supervisors Chambers. See the Agency's latest newsletter linked below for more information. 

2023-12-18 Ukiah-WinterMailer-Web.pdf


Statewide Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Surveys – Data Collection Complete

May contain: aircraft, helicopter, transportation, vehicle, flight, airplane, animal, bird, and flying

 AEM data were collected in the Eastern Sierra, Salton Sea, and San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County Areas in the Fall of 2023. With the completion of the Fall surveys, the data collection component of the Statewide AEM Survey Project is now complete.

As a part of the Statewide AEM Survey Project, DWR has collected nearly 16,000 miles of AEM data within 95 groundwater subbasins. Additionally, nearly 14,000 lithology logs and 1,000 geophysical logs have been digitized to assist in AEM data interpretation. The AEM and digitized supporting data support the State and local goal of achieving sustainable groundwater management by improving our understanding of groundwater aquifer systems.

AEM electrical resistivity data, AEM data interpretations (texture estimates), and digitized supporting data (lithology and geophysical logs) are published on the California Natural Resources Agency Open Data Portal. Additionally, AEM data, interpretations, and digitized supporting data can be viewed and explored on DWR’s user-friendly, online-based AEM Data Viewers.

For more information about AEM, visit the AEM Project Webpage or check out “DWR’s Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Surveys: The AEM Method” video in English and Spanish.


Reminder! State Water Efficiency & Enhancement Program (SWEEP) is back!

Applications open December 5th, 2023 and close January 26th, 2024. Mendocino County Resource Conservation District can help with your application! See flyer linked below

SWEEP Flyer November 2023.pdf


In the press:


Beavers Making Headlines:

Bay Nature: Believing in the Power of Beavers, 1/2/24 By the author of Water Always Wins

May contain: animal, mammal, rodent, wildlife, and beaver

 Wired: Spying on Beavers From Space Could Help Save California, 12/28/23

May contain: animal, mammal, rodent, wildlife, and bear

 CA Fish and Wildlife Beaver Update page: CDFW Conducts First Beaver Conservation Translocation in Nearly 75 Years, 12/13/23

May contain: land, nature, outdoors, adult, female, person, woman, male, man, pond, water, wristwatch, and swamp



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