Russian River Weekly Update 9/3/24

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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).
The Abacela monthly Weather-Climate Summary and Forecast is now available here,

Eel River to Russian River Diversion
FERC published a Notice of Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law and Providing for Further Consideration re Pacific Gas and Electric Co. under P-77. This is in reference to the City of Ukiah’s request for rehearing. For more information on the flow variance: 2024 Flow Variance webpage (scroll down for the City’s rehearing request.)
Russian River Flows
On August 22, 2024, Sonoma Water filed temporary urgency change petitions with the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights requesting approval of temporary changes to water right Permits. The petitions seek authorization to implement a hydrologic index based on Lake Mendocino storage values, rather than the current index based on cumulative inflow into Lake Pillsbury, starting November 1, 2024. In the absence of the proposed changes, the applicable minimum instream flow requirements may require releases of water from Lake Mendocino and Lake Sonoma at levels that would risk significant depletions of storage levels that could cause impacts to human health and welfare and reduce water supplies needed for protection of listed salmon species in the Russian River. Therefore, Sonoma Water proposes alternative monthly storage values, in lieu of cumulative Lake Pillsbury inflow, to define the water supply conditions that determine which minimum instream flow requirements.
Agricultural conference on California water users coexisting
An agricultural summit to explore the coexistence of California’s water users will be held in Fresno on Wednesday, Sept. 4. California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot will be among the speakers during the day-long event which will include sessions on water data and building alliances among water groups. The conference, sponsored by The Maddy Institute in partnership with the California Water Institute, will have in-person and virtual attendance options.
State Water Board Workshop - Flood Diversions Under Water Code 1242.1 on 10/9/24
Please be advised that the Division of Water Rights will be hosting a virtual staff workshop on October 9, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 am. The purpose of the workshop is to provide an overview of the function of Water Code 1242.1, along with useful tips for implementation and compliance. Expected topics include flood diversion requirements, definition of terms, how to file reports, report submittal timelines, diversion exclusions, and an overview of requirements specific to the Delta. Workshop announcement with more information.

North Coast Resource Partnership Quarterly Meeting
The next meeting will be Friday, October 18, 2024 9am-3pm in Del Norte County. See the NCRP Quarterly Meeting webpage for more information.
- Tribal Welcome/County Welcome/Co-Chair Welcome
- Local Project Presentation
- Cannabis Ad Hoc Committee Presentation
- Wildfire Resilience: Listening Session
- NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Project proposal suite review and approval
- NCRP Handbook updates
- NCRP Shared Priorities/Common Ground
NCRP Capacity Assessment and Regional Capacity Enhancement Strategy
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews August 28, 2024
- Mavens Notebook Aug 25-30, 2024
- CA Dept of Water Resources: Sustainable Groundwater Management Office, August 2024 Newsletter
- UC Riverside: New campus plantings tests water savings-Leafy ground cover planted at two site, 8/26/24
- Press Democrat: Judge strikes down Sonoma County rules governing wells, groundwater use, siding with environmental groups, 8/28/24
- Sonoma Valley Sun: Chinook Salmon counts in the Russian River are dropping, 9/2/24
- LA Times: Court orders California county to ensure groundwater pumping doesn’t harm streams and fish, 9/2/24
- Hanson Bridgett Legal Alert: Trial Court Finds That Sonoma County’s Groundwater Well Ordinance Violates the Public Trust Doctrine, 8.27/24
- Press Democrat Editorial: Time to revisit county groundwater rules, 9/3?24
- Planetizen: $10 Billion Climate Bond to Appear on California's November Ballot, 8/29/24
- AP News: Wild week of US weather includes heat wave, tropical storm, landslide, flash flood and snow 8/27/24
- The Conversation: Urban wildfires disrupt streams and their tiny inhabitants − losing these insects is a warning of bigger water problems 8/26/24
- SJV Water: Bill tracking: More than a dozen proposed new water laws are racing to the end of the legislative process in Sacramento, 827/24
- CalMatters: Californians to face steep fines for violating water orders under new legislation, 8/31/24
- CA Water Blog: Watching native fishes vanish, 9/1/24
- PPIC: California Continues to Prioritize Water and Climate Programs Despite Budget Cuts, 9/3/24