Russian River Water Update 6/3/24

Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).
The Abacela monthly Weather-Climate Summary and Forecast:

PG&E Filing for Extension on Decommissioning Plan
PG&E distributed the following notice last week regarding PG&E’s Initial Draft Surrender Application and Decommissioning Plan for PG&E’s Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project (Potter Valley), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) No. 77:
PG&E will be submitting to FERC an Extension of Time (EOT) request for the Final Draft Surrender Agreement (Final Draft SA) as well as the Final Surrender Application and Decommissioning Plan (Final SA). PG&E will propose the Final Draft SA be available for comment in January 2025 instead of June 2024 as currently detailed in the Plan and Schedule approved by FERC on July 29, 2022. PG&E will also propose the Final SA being submitted to FERC in June 2025 (previously January 2025).
PG&E is committed to supporting the Proponent’s (Sonoma County Water Agency, Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission, Humboldt County, Round Valley Indian Tribes, California Trout, Trout Unlimited, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife) Proposal of a New Eel-Russian Facility. PG&E and the Eel-Russian Project Authority will enter into legal agreements addressing construction obligations, permitting, and facility transfers. PG&E, the Proponents, and others have formed a steering committee to develop a Surrender Application MOU to best bring shared interests into one agreement that aligns with PG&E’s Surrender Application and Decommissioning Plan. In addition, PG&E will attempt to enter into legal agreements with other agencies and parties where their interest related to the Potter Valley facility removal fall outside of the FERC Surrender proceeding. This approach demonstrates PG&E’s interest in efficiently completing the regulatory approval processes in consideration of mutual interests. PG&E believes the additional time to consult with agencies and other interested parties will result in a more robust Final SA and ultimately in a quicker path for the decommissioning of the Potter Valley Project.

NCRP CAL Fire Forest Health Pilot Implementation Grant
With funding from the CAL FIRE Forest Health Program, the NCRP is providing solicitation materials and guidelines to support projects that seek to significantly increase fuels management, fire reintroduction, treatment of degraded areas, and conservation of forests: mitigating climate change, protecting communities from fire risk, and strengthening rural economies. For more information, visit the program website.
NCRP Request for Proposals: Environmental Compliance Consultant Services
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify qualified consultants to assist the NCRP with environmental compliance for the NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot grant, working in close collaboration with the NCRP staff team and Humboldt County, as NCRP’s Regional Administrator and the lead agency. Due Date: JUNE 30, 2024
Session on North Coast wildfire resilience set for June 13
On Thursday, June 13, the North Coast Resource Partnership will host a listening and learning session on wildfire resilience. The session will include representatives from Tribes, counties, the U.S. Forest Service, and CAL FIRE. This in-person meeting will be in the Eureka area. Location and registration details are being developed.
Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Update
Notice Of Public Hearing For Proposed Fee Adoption For Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency – RESCHEDULED!
The Fee Study initiated in 2023 is now complete and in May 2024, the UVBGSA Board voted 4-0 to accept the proposed fee structure and set a public hearing date to adopt the resolution to implement the regulatory fee. A public hearing will be held on Thursday, June 13th at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 1 PM at the County Board of Supervisors Chambers located at 501 Low Gap Road.
The fee would support the typical annual operation costs of UVBGSA’s regulatory program as authorized under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014. If you live or have a business within the areas served by these agencies, then you are a beneficiary of UVBGSA’s services and are therefore subject to the fee. For more information, see the UVB GSA Website:
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews 5/29/24
- Maven's Notebook, May 28-31, 2024
- Mendocino County Resource Conservation District May Newsletter
- DWR Sustainable Groundwater Management Office May newsletter
- PPIC Report: Climate-Smart Tools to Protect California’s Freshwater Biodiversity, May 2024
- Yale Environment 360: Pollution Paradox: How Cleaning Up Smog Drives Ocean Warming, 5/28/24
- Manny Teodoro: Women in Water’s Corner Offices; Data on a thousand utilities’ CEOs tell a tale of uneven progress, 5/28/24
- ABC 10: How River Partners finds climate solutions in river restoration, funded by public-private partnerships, 5/24/24
- Allen Matkins Legal Alert: SGMA at 10 Years: Navigating California’s Groundwater Future, 5/23/24
- KQED: US Universities Expand Climate Change Degree Offerings Amid Growing Demand, 5/27/24
- KTLA 5: Abnormally hot summer even more likely in latest NOAA forecast: Here’s where, 5/25/24
- PPIC Commentary: California Needs Bold New Strategies to Save What’s Left of Its Freshwater Species, 5/29/24
- Bay Nature: On the Russian River, a Slow Road to Good Fire, 5/30/24
- Nature Sustainability: Strategic stream gauging network design for sustainable water management, 6/3/24 (need account for full access.)
- LA Times (via Aol.): California has underestimated the epic potential of future flooding, research shows, 6/2/24
- CA Water Blog: Adaptive Management Wheels, 6/2/24
- LA Times (via Aol.): The U.S. Drought Monitor is a critical tool for the arid West. Can it keep up with climate change? 6/3/24
- Spectrum News 1: California to receive half a billion federal dollars for water infrastructure improvement projects, 6/3/24
- LA Times (via Aol.): How a water scientist hopes to save California habitats that could be pumped dry, 5/26/24