Russian River Water Update 10/30/23

Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (more info here).

Rain on the Way
See the National Weather Service Update:
Archived Briefing-20231030_0551.pdf
Russian River Water Forum Updates
The following message was issued by the Forum facilitators on 10/25/23:

As you may know, PG&E intends to release its initial draft decommissioning plan in mid-November. In the interest of having a substantive discussion on that topic, the November 2 Planning Group meeting will be postponed to December 7. The December 7 meeting will cover the following topics (and potentially additional topics), each of which will include time for discussion:
· Update on PG&E decommissioning process
· Presentation on Eel River watershed: fisheries, tribal connections, and restoration efforts
We request that all attendees (in-person and online) register for the December 7 meeting at least one week in advance (by November 30). Please note that this is a new registration link; previous registration will not carry over.
We look forward to a productive, substantive meeting, and hope you can make it in-person. Updates and an agenda will be posted to the Water Forum website ahead of the meeting.
More information is available on the Water Forum’s website:
Latest Technology to Support Healthy Ag Operations Facing Water Related Challenges
“North Bay farmers seeking survival of their crops and vineyards amid drought, weather extremes and other forces may discover their best solutions are grounded in next-generation agriculture…. Essentially, healthy ag operations lead to bumper crops for farmers trying to preserve their way of life for their children and their kids. It takes knowledge, willpower and money to run a successful farm and vineyard blocks. But the alternative of doing business as usual is costlier, industry insiders say. A U.S. Department of Agriculture survey in May showed the nation lost about two-thirds of its 6.8 million farms since the peak in 1935.”
“While the wine industry has been quick to adopt smart irrigation technology, there are so many opportunities for other agricultural sectors to follow suit,” Wright said. “I’m realizing now these growers want this technology, especially since drought is not going away.”
Read the article: N Bay Bus Journal: Next-generation agriculture plants seeds of innovation for Wine Country farmers, 10/23/23
Save Our Water Introduces New Rebate Finder Tool and Resources Page to Help Californians Transform Their Yards

California’s Save Our Water public awareness campaign launched a new rebates page that connects Californians with local resources and rebates in their area.
Californians can now quickly and easily find local rebates to update their lawns by simply entering their zip codes at Many local water agencies provide these rebates to encourage homeowners to save water by transforming their thirsty lawns and turf with water-wise plants or other drought-tolerant landscapes. As 40% of the water Californians use is outdoors, transforming a yard can save a significant amount of water. Read More here.
Volunteer Opportunities at Hopland REC
There are many ways to get involved as a volunteer at the UC Hopland Research and Extension Center (HREC). Take a look below and consider joining the information day on Nov 1 to find out more!
Quercus Collaborative: Our new volunteer led effort to support oak regeneration at Hopland REC and beyond! Our first workday will take place on November 11 from 10am-2pm. Please register here to join.
Youth Education: Our school field trips start with Lambing Time for K-2nd grade in January and progress through Birding, Fire Science and our Earth Day NatureFest into the Spring. Volunteers are needed for every field trip, supporting HREC staff in delivery of the field trip programs to over 1,000 students. Join the information day on Nov 1 by registering here!
Phenology: Join our community scientists to record changes in the seasons across 30 plants and upload observations to Nature's Notebook. This open access data supports scientists in understanding the impacts of climate change. Contact to join the phenology team.
Walking Moai : Enjoy a hike at HREC! Volunteer to lead a Walking Moai and commit to a 10 week cycle of walks at HREC. As a volunteer leader you will assemble a walking group of between 5-8 community participants, and hike together once a week for at least a mile. HREC staff will give training on safety and routes. Contact to find out more, or join our current walking Moai (hiking on Tuesdays from 4-5pm).
Mendocino County LAFCO – Alternate Public Member Applications due November 17th
The Mendocino Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) invites interested persons to apply for the position of the Alternate Public Member on the Commission to complete a four-year term ending December 31, 2027. financial disclosure statement annually with the California Fair Practices Commission. Candidates for the position must submit a letter of interest, an application and resume detailing applicable experience and service. Visit the Mendo LAFCo website and download the application here.
DWR and Sonoma County Groundwater Sustainability Agencies to Present $15 Million Grant for Local Groundwater Sustainability
On Monday, October 30, 2023, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) will hold a media event in Sonoma to present over $15 million to three local groundwater agencies to support Sonoma County groundwater resilience through the state’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program. These grants will support local sustainability projects for the Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency, the Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency, and the Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency. Read more here in the PRESS RELEASE.
Training Opportunity
Check out the upcoming Rainwater Catchment training that is being offered for landscape professionals in Mendocino, Sonoma and Marin counties. [ATTACHMENT]

FIRO Makes News, AGAIN!

In the press:
- PRESS RELEASE: Department of Water Resources Releases GSP Determinations for 17 Non-Critically Overdrafted Basins, 10/26/23
- California Continues Progress to Boost Water Supplies and Build Resilience Amid Extreme Weather, 10/16/23
- Research offers novel method to analyze implications of large-scale flood adaptation, 10/25/23
- KQED: California Looks To Restore Floodplains, To Protect Communities From Impacts Of Climate Change, 10/23/23
- LA Times: Officials urge California residents to brace for flooding as El Niño looms, 10/24/23
- PPIC: How to Keep Buildings Cool in California’s Warming Climate, 10/22/23